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As 皇冠官方app下载 grows and competition for natural resources increases, our future success depends on strengthening and preserving today's assets - our people, 皇冠app官方版下载的机场和皇冠app官方版下载的社区——为了明天. 皇冠官方app下载 Airport embraces sustainability as a way to protect our environment, 支持皇冠app官方版下载的邻居,发展皇冠app官方版下载的业务. We are taking the steps today to ensure tomorrow's success.


通过实践可持续发展, 皇冠官方app下载 positions itself as an industry leader and a model corporate citizen. 结果是, 皇冠官方app下载 aligns all sustainability practices together under one umbrella to further our efforts and to guide our future decisions.



When it comes to reducing our 环境 impact, 皇冠官方app下载 International Airport is taking a balanced approach.

By switching to renewable energy and implementing programs to use less of it, we have dramatically reduced our carbon footprint – and our energy costs. Beneficial results like these make smart business sense too.

皇冠app官方版下载长达十年的努力远未结束, we continue to seek out new ways to lessen our impact on the environment each year and set new industry standards.


皇冠官方app下载 is committed to engaging our stakeholders on sustainability issues relevant to our Airport, 人, 以一种诚实的方式和社区, 透明的, 和生产. 为了更好地沟通皇冠app官方版下载的战略, 成功, and challenges in becoming a more sustainable enterprise, 皇冠app官方版下载编制了以下年度报告. Our report is prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines. GRI, 非营利组织, has pioneered and developed a comprehensive 可持续性 Reporting Framework that enables all organizations to measure and report their economic, 环境, 社会与治理绩效. This report serves as an important milestone in our continued journey down the path of sustainability.

  • 水的感觉

皇冠官方app下载 takes its responsibility to the planet seriously. 皇冠官方app下载 maintains robust programs to foster the sustainable use of natural resources, the efficient use of energy and the prevention of pollution.

  • 北德州航空

皇冠官方app下载 partners with 该地区al clean air partnership and campaign, 北德州航空, 合作改善空气质素, 传播公众意识, 并激励该地区做出清洁空气的选择.

  • 照顾好德州

作为骄傲的德州人, 皇冠官方app下载 partners with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to 照顾好德州 by pledging to reduce emissions, 节约能源, 合理用水,循环利用.

  • 好皇冠app官方版下载者

皇冠官方app下载 has been a member of 好皇冠app官方版下载者 program since 2017. This program allows passengers to reduce the impact of their flight by purchasing carbon offsets. 点击 在这里 to estimate your flight’s carbon impact and purchase carbon offsets.


皇冠官方app下载的环保承诺 皇冠官方app下载 is committed to instituting a more holistic and systematic culture promoting 环境 stewardship and social responsibility by operating our airport in a manner which demonstrates performance by exceeding regulatory compliance by integrating and balancing 环境 standards and considerations into decision making, 运营与组织文化. 皇冠官方app下载 Airport will improve procedures to prevent and mitigate 环境 emergencies and focus on education and collaboration to ensure compliance and to improve performance. Driven by the belief that actions taken today will impact the quality of life for future generations, 环境 impacts will be continuously evaluated, 使用生命周期评估流程. A copy of 皇冠官方app下载’s complete Environmental Commitment may be accessed through the following link.

可持续性 负责任地增长是企业的当务之急, and the implementation of sustainability practices demonstrates our commitment to our community and the environment. 皇冠官方app下载’s philosophy and approach is based on the United Nation’s (UN) concept of sustainable development, defined as “development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” To achieve sustainable development for our airport, 该地区, 皇冠app官方版下载的国家, 这个世界, we must adopt a holistic systems approach to how we do business. 皇冠官方app下载的方法考虑了经济可行性, 运营效率, 自然资源保护, 和社会责任(EONS). 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs) form the blueprint we use to identify challenges, define solutions, and measure results.

皇冠官方app下载’s 可持续性 Management 计划 outlines the airport’s roadmap to advancing its sustainability efforts, 以及皇冠app官方版下载每年的环境保护署, 社会, and Governance (环境、社会和治理) Report showcases 皇冠官方app下载’s most recent achievements.

环境管理系统(EMS) 皇冠官方app下载’s goal is to continue to lead the air transportation industry by establishing and implementing programs that involve innovative 环境 planning and proactive 环境 leadership in order to reduce 皇冠官方app下载’s 环境 footprint. The 环境管理系统(EMS) provides the framework which will be used to make 环境ly responsible decisions and manage critical 环境 aspects in order to minimize the impact of activities. The 皇冠官方app下载 EMS not only includes a commitment to the laws, 规定, 以及有关环境问题的政策, our EMS also recognizes that the airport has grown and matured beyond compliance and has transitioned priorities to social responsibility and 环境 performance. 皇冠官方app下载’s EMS places an intentional focus on measuring the Airport’s performance in areas such as 自然资源保护, 积极主动的策略性环境管理, 节能, 保护人类健康.


The 皇冠官方app下载 Environmental Affairs department welcomes your comments, questions and concerns. For 皇冠官方app下载 可持续性 specific inquiries, please email us at sustainability@d809.com.

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